November 11, 2011 - Preschool Weekly

This Week’s Adventures: Wow did we make music! Nature is full of sounds, but sounds are different than music. When people play sounds in a specific way, we can create music. Music makes us feel good, helps us celebrate, or makes us think back about special people, places, or events.

Favorite Activities: We loved responding to different kinds of music by creating a music mural while listening to tunes like Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Flight of the Bumble Bee”. We created twig xylophones from recycled shoe boxes and music clackers with reclaimed buttons. We listened to and made sounds from outdoor objects, especially crinkly leaves and acorns. We experimented with sounds by filling glasses with different amounts of water. We made a fall nature sound recording to compare to our summer sound recording. We also played all kinds of instruments, learned new songs, and danced!

Next’s Week’s Theme: I Spy…

Try this at home: Make music together! Encourage your child to invent a song. Help your child sound out rhyming words and sing along. (Model writing by jotting down the lyrics.) Find instruments in the kitchen cupboard! If you have the ability to photograph or record your child, encourage him to do a performance for the camera!