January 25, 2013 - Preschool Weekly

This Week’s Adventures: We explored snowy weather and its importance for resting animals, like bears!

Favorite Activities: We climbed under a giant bear skin which was amazing! We also built forts for shelter, strung cotton ball snow garland, and testd our predictions with a water freezing experiment (sure was cold enough!). We loved using shredded paper (snow) to cover up our bear den (milk carton). We made little bears to hibernate inside these dens using pinecones. And our teddy bears joined us from home for a sleepover!

Next’s Week’s Theme: Over the Snow (“Jj”)

Try this at home: Listen to the gentle snow fall. Do you hear any animals call? Why is winter so still?

a frozen pond and snow in the sensory table IMG_3693

shh...our bears are resting bear slides on the light table a sheet makes a good fort! taking cover should we leave the log? group hug! a chilly trail walk conquering the fallen tree

colorful frozen ice exploring the snow checking out the bear skin we take measurements of the bear don't wake the bear grrr! look, I'm a bear! tiny tracks in the snow