Early Childhood Programs Blog

Animals In The Night

November 7, 2015 - Preschool, Preschool Weekly

The Nature Preschool at Irvine explored all things night! What are animals doing in the night? Which are sleeping and which are active? We turned off the lights in our classroom and had imagination stations in the dark! We used lanterns and flashlights to build,  read stories, create art projects and put on puppet shows! Outside we worked in our nature journals, left out food for the night creatures, played games and looked for signs of creatures of the night.

Some highlights from our week included:
-Making marshmellow and stick constellations
-Visiting the stream in the Fox Class
-Observing our pupils dilate in changing light
-Painting faces in the Flying Squirrel Class
-Drawing the meadow in our nature journals
-Meeting a Racoon in the Chipmunk Class
-Checking on the food we left out for the animals and seeing it was all gone!

We will continue to learn about the night next week and we are all counting down the days until our Autumn night hike! Until next time!

The Nature Preschool at Irvine!