Early Childhood Programs Blog

Will it Freeze or Melt?

January 12, 2014 - Preschool Weekly

We explored the properties water freezing and melting in winter. We loved hiding hunks of ice on the trails to predict which would melt the fastest or not at all. We used thermometers to track cold temps (particularly good this week since it got to be 6 degrees!). We also met a toad and discovered how it survives brutally cold conditions.

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blowing frozen bubbles blowing frozen bubbles DSCF9320 DSCF9314 DSCF9303 DSCF9305

cut paper snowflakes! ice and salt in the sensory table uncovering seeds and found objects in ice

Child uses pipettes and salt to melt ice in sensory table.

Child uses pipettes and salt to melt ice in sensory table.