Forest Dreamers are poets of the forest! We explored the trails of our beloved Irvine with a song in our hearts! We heard and created beautiful stories inspired by the fall and the month of November.
On Tuesday, at the gazebo, we listened to two poems that described the same topic, but had very different opinions. See if you can point out the different perceptions between the poets:
1.) “No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feeling in any member–
No shade, no shine, no butterflies no bees,
No flowers, no birds–
-Thomas Hood
2.) “When the trees in their summer splendor,
Change to a radiant red and gold,
When the summer moon turns yellow,
And the nights are getting cold;
When the squirrels hide their acorns,
And all life’s noises disappear,
Then we know that it is November,
Loveliest month of the year! “
We concluded that there is more than one way to look at this particular month (or anything for that matter!) We started sharing our thoughts on the month of November and came up with our own poem! Each Forest Dreamer added their own line and we combined it together to create our very own poetry! Take a look and try to guess who wrote which line!
“The leaves are red
The sky is white
And every night is cold
The leaves are rainbows
The gnomes are scuffling all around
To find winter food
So November 2nd is Max’s birthday
And I will be 6 years old then
Thorns are sharp
And the trees are bare
In November I love my sister;
Violet her birthday on November 11th
The dark clouds are scattered across the sky
And there is nothing we can do about it.
The clouds are wispy blue
And the moon is round as a bean bag
And I see a rainbow out there.”
-The Forest Dreamers Class
We also took a walk on one of our favorite trails and found that the stream runs through a part of it! We spent some time at the stream stomping and splashing around. At the meadow, we added letters to our homemade alphabet board and talked about people that we knew whose name starts with each of the letters! We will keep adding to the alphabet board in the coming weeks and make it something that is uniquely our own!
On Thursday, we had a class visitor- Ms. Stephanie! She told us a fantastic felt board story about a little anxious leaf that gained its confidence to fly away when it was his time! All Forest Dreamers acted out the story as Ms. Stephanie told it!
Our travels took us to a new favorite spot- the hidden ‘fairy circle’. The class stumbled upon it sometime in the past weeks, and now ask to go there every time we walk by it! It provides a little nook that is off trail for the kids to explore, build, balance and dig! This time, we found these beautiful bright red and yellow maple leaves. We enjoyed collecting these leaves and observing their fiery colors.
When we reached the gazebo, we took a load off and relaxed. Ms. Sophie read us a story called A Quiet Place by Douglas Wood. Everyone needs a special quiet place and time, even the best poets, teachers and parents! We spent our own quiet time at the base of the forest looking, reflecting, relaxing and drawing in our journals. The class did an excellent job using this as their special quiet place!
Never stop dreaming, Forest Dreamers!
- Collecting fox tails
- Working as a team!
- Enjoying some apples!
- A quiet place to draw!
- He drew a beautiful fallen log in his journal!
- Finding the little things!
- It was a special birthday for someone turning 6! We sang to him!
- Collecting fiery maple leaves
- Hi!
- Going back to playing
- Vibrant reds and yellows!
- Ms. Stephanie telling us a fun story!
- Adding to the felt story!
- 🙂
- The actors of the story!
- Ms. Sophie reading some poems
- Writing letters for our board!
- Add the “U”!
- Pulling the wagon! What a helper!
- Link arms with your partner and try to stand up!
- Stuck to my partner!
- Stream searching!
- Following the stream!
- More partners working together!
- King of the log!
- Cutie!
- Let’s run!
- We found a great supply of ‘chicken wood’ (spongey, decomposed wood)
- Someone built a tipi!
- Smashing spicebush to get a good aroma!
- Boo!
- Perfect fit!
- Writing his letter!
- Apple snack!
- Climbing and discovering!
- A friend brought in a neat show and tell ‘monkey brain’ ! We used it to play a game!
- Who has the ‘brain’ fruit?
- “Give yourself a big hug!”
- Perfect fit!
- Leap!
- Two friends working together!
- Stream exploration!
- Team wagon!
- Our off trail spot!
- Writing our poem!
- Leaf collection