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Searching for Hidden Treasures

December 5, 2014 - Naturalist's Notes

Spring and early fall seasons at Irvine are bustling with animal activity.  They are great times to hit the trails if you want to see a wide variety of animal life.  Now, winter is coming, so what is there left?

Winter offers a tremendous opportunity to look for the treasure trove of objects hidden from view in the other three seasons. It does not take long until you will see what you had been missing during summer camp or as you hiked the trails when it was 70 degrees and sunny. The leaves are gone, the sun stays low, and animal hideaways glow in the beams of light.

You may not know what everything you encounter is evidence of, and that’s OK. Part of the fun is trying to figure out what the natural object even is! At Irvine, you can always ask a Naturalist if you are stumped.

More information on galls.

A great resource for identifying bird nests.