Early Childhood Programs Blog

Week 10 Forest Dreamers! 11-13-19

November 19, 2019 - Forest Dreamers

Hey Families!

Another wonderful and wild week in Forest Dreamers has passed us by. This week we skipped morning circle and made a beeline to the Native American site! Each student was given a pair of binoculars to investigate far away sights as we hiked. As a group we voted on which trail to take to get to the site and decided on the Baur Preserve Road way (our class favorite).

Once we arrived at the NA site we started a fire in the big fire pit and circled around to eat snack. As we were eating snack we got to drink yummy apple cider tea and listen to a story. The story we heard was called “Nannabush and the Ducks” a special story from the Indigenous North East Canadians. This story involves Nannabush banging on a drum, so we too got the chance to make music with many different percussive musical instruments!

A little musical expressive led into exploration of the Native American site and of course the cheetah family game. We swang on vines and climbed up the mulch pile. We even discovered a tree that when tugged gently, lots of “butterfly seeds” (tulip poplar) rained down. We used the wigwams and long house as homes for our cheetah/tiger families and listened for bird songs and spotted vultures circling above. Before leaving the site, we played a few rounds of camouflage/eagle eye to sharpen our awareness skills.

Finally we hiked back to the building! It was nice to have a home base today, instead of our usual pattern of hiking to a new place every day. Plus all of the forest dreamers had a positive attitude about the cold weather! Hopefully next week will be a little less cold, but just as fun!