Early Childhood Programs Blog

I’ve Got a Feeling…

October 21, 2016 - Preschool, Preschool Weekly

Just like the Beatles remind us in their song, “I’ve Got a Feeling” , we can’t hide our feelings. Expressing them in a safe and healthy way can be done, but first you have to learn to identify all those feelings, feelings deep inside, oh yeah…

Cue Emotion Coach, Danny LaBrecque, aka Mr. Danny.


Mr. Danny’s introduction to Emotion Coaching with The Nature Preschool this week included some catchy tunes… Good Morning Little Bird! Can you come out and play? I’m The Boss of Me! Thoughts, Ideas and Feelings…

Danny uses a combination of puppetry and song to help children identify and share their feelings. During our first of four Emotion Coaching sessions, Mr. Danny had a message, “sometimes we assume we know how someone is feeling by the way they look, when in fact the only way to figure out how a person is feeling is by talking to them and getting to know them”.

Granny puppet looks a little scary but she’s really sweet and loves to feed the birds.


Handsome King is not so nice and thinks he’s the boss of everyone!

Handsome King

Danny empowered us by teaching us the song  im-the-boss-of-me so that we know WE are the bosses of OUR OWN bodies and feelings!

We can’t wait for our next EC session in January…wait, that’s a long way off! You can find  Emotion Coaching Opportunities with Mr. Danny anytime by visiting Danny Joe’s Tree House on Facebook or YouTube.